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Equipment to Remove Tattoos at Home - Does it Work?

You had your reasons to get your tattoo (or tattoos) in the first place and now you have very solid reasons for wanting it or them removed. Fortunately, a tattoo isn't the for-life proposition it used to be. Today there are several options available for removing unwanted tattoos. To decide which option is best for you, you will essentially have to balance cost, time - and pain.

The most widely known tattoo removal procedure is laser removal. Laser tattoo removal can cost several thousands of dollars, depending on the number and sizes of tattoos to be removed. It can cause permanent scarring. It can take multiple treatments over a long period of time. It can cause a great deal of pain.

At the other end of the spectrum are tattoo removal creams and gels. The big upside with them is that they can be applied at home, essentially on your schedule (within the guidelines for the product you choose). They aren't cheap, but are relatively inexpensive when compared to the other alternatives. The treatment can take many, many months. There is no pain involved. The big downside is that some tattoos aren't completely removed.

Video: Laser Tattoo Removal Machine - How effective is Laser Tattoo Removal?

What some people do is combine the home tattoo removal with the laser surgery. They use the creams or gels to fade the tattoo and then get laser treatments. This involves less cost, less time - and less pain.

Do at home Tattoo Removal Lasers work?

# Methods to remove the tattoo

Summary of permanent tattoo removal methods:
  1. Laser It Away
  2. Make-Up Cover Up
  3. Wrecking Balm
  4. Plastic Surgery
  5. Salt Scrub
  6. Salt And Lemon Juice
  7. Profade Tattoo Removal Cream
  8. Saline Tattoo Removal
  9. Honey
  10. Lemon
The most popular and powerful way: Laser It Away

Remove the tattoo with Laser method, can it be treated at home?

Remove the tattoo with Laser method, can it be treated at home?
Normally, laser tattoo removal is usually done in a beauty salon. There, they have modern tools with specialized techniques. However, the price is very expensive, at least you will lose about 200 to 500 dollars if the picture is easy to delete. For difficult-to-erase shapes, the treatment time can take several months to several years, and you will spend a lot of money on treatment.

How can I use a laser to erase the tattoo at home?

The answer is: it is possible, and there are testimonials of many people.

You need the following two factors to remove a laser tattoo at home:
  • Manual to remove laser tattoo images at home
  • Laser tattoo removal tool.

#1 Manual to remove laser tattoo images at home


  • Remove the tattoos painlessly and inexpensively. Without needing any overpriced "experts" hovering around over you, racking up a huge bill for a SIMPLE skin-deep change! 
  • You can finally stop being judged based on what's ON your skin. And start commanding respect based on WHO you are and WHAT you actually have to say! 
  • You can keep past memories where they should be – buried in the past. You can show new people in your life how much you CARE, with a fresh new tattoo.
  • You're allowed to CHANGE your mind. Finally. And redecorate (or not) as you wish!
  • Wear what you want, whenever you want, without having to plan your dress around your tattoos ever again!
 Equipment to Remove Tattoos at Home

#2 Laser tattoo removal tools

In fact, there are two noticeable types for Laser tattoo remover: large and small. Both types can be used at home, if you have a detailed guide.

Small screen removal machine:

Large type tattoo removal machine:

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